


Solution – Reset the Furthest Page Read
Use the same device for all of the steps below before opening the book on a different one, the below example is using a single Kindle

1. Set the Synchronization off on your Amazon Account (Go to Amazon -> Your Account -> Manage Your Kindle -> Manage Kindle Device Synchronization -> click the “Turn the Synchronization off” button to turn off the synchronization)
2. Wait about a minute, then exit & re-enter your book
3. Go to the beginning of your book on the Kindle
4. Sync to the furthest page. If it tells you that you’re on the furthest location, you’re good to go.
1. If not, select Cancel on the sync message, exit and re-enter the book to attempt the reset again. (I think that the Amazon databases have to get reset-thus the delay; in any case, it always works for me on the 2nd attempt)
5. Turn on the synchronization setting on your Account – your Furthest Page read will be reset to your new location.
6. On your other devices–if further along in the book, you will have to go to the beginning of the book, but once done the Furthest Page Read location will sync with your Kindle.

1 アマゾンアカウントに行き、同期をオフにする
2 同期オフが浸透するまで待ち、キンドルで読んでいる本を閉じて、再度開く
3 ページの一番最初に行き、同期を試す
4 現在のページがfurthest locationになればOK、そうでなければもうしばらく待って、さらに試す
5 アマゾンアカウントの同期をオンにするー同期すれば現在のページがfurthest locationになる
6 ほかのデバイスもきちんとページを戻しておかないと、そっちに同期されるのできをつけてね

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